Growing Bigger by Getting Smaller!
In times of need and times of fun, GROW GROUPS are your source of friendship and support. They are your key to developing connections with those who share your interests or people who are dealing with similar life issues. Small groups are an opportunity to reach out to others, while growing in your walk with the Lord. Groups meet once a week at the church and around the community. The groups change and begin again three times a year, so you have the opportunity to try out different ones. You’ll never fully experience all that Believers Church has to offer until you connect in a GROW group! Small groups were vital to the church’s growth then, and they are just as vital now.
Current GROW Groups
Elementary, Middle & High School Grow Groups – Students will never experience all that God has to offer until they connect in life-giving relationships. GROW groups meet Wednesday nights at 6:30pm in the Family Life Building.
Elementary Leader: Sheri Burke 912.978.1054
Middle and High School Leaders: Eric & Jena Tinsley 912.425.5697 or email: [email protected] and Melanie Williams at 912.425.9150 or email: [email protected]
LIFE GROUP – This crew is very good at doing life together as they grow in God together. Come join them as they eat and dive into God’s word. This group meets on Wednesday nights at 6:30pm in the Blue Room of our Family Building. Begins January 8th!
Call, text, or email Leader(s): Marshall/Hannah Brownlee 912.536.5028 or .
**child care available**
COUPLES GROUP – Couples, come and grow together! Closer in relationships, and closer to the place where God created you to be. This group meets in the sanctuary at 6:30pm. Begins January 15th!
Leader(s):Lauren/Andrew Amason 912.687.2611 and Ashley/Blake Harrison 912.425.9605
**child care available**
WEEKDAY LADIES’ GROUP – Ladies, this group will be like a giant group hug as we join together each week. Come join us at 9am on Wednesday mornings. We will meet in the Blue classroom near the kitchen in the Family building. Begins January 8th!
For more info contact Jenny Daley: [email protected] or 843.514.2938
WEDNESDAY LADIES’ GROUP –This is a group of women who are coming together to dive into The Bible and navigate today’s problems hand in hand through God’s Word! This GROW Group meets on Wednesdays at 6:30pm in the nursing mothers’ room off the foyer in the sanctuary building. Begins January 15th!
Leader(s): Lauren Milton: 912.978.1552
**child care available**
MOM’S COFFEE GROUP: Ladies, grab your littles and come join us on Thursdays at 9:30am at Little Dipper Coffee Shop. We will be discussing Podcasts and hanging out together. Being a mom can be hard, but it’s so much better with friends! Begins January 9th!
For more info call, text or email Ashley Harrison 912.425.9605 or [email protected]
2 OPTION LADIES’ GROUP: This group offers 2 times each week to go over the same lesson. Pick one that works for you! They will be studying Elijah by Priscilla Shirer. Thursdays @ 6pm (contact Rachel for location) or Fridays @ 9am at Salon 31:30 (601 W. Ogeechee St.) Begins January 9th and 10th!
Leader: Rachel Williams 912.978.0848
MEN’S BREAKFAST GROUP – Men, come join the guys every Thursday morning as they eat breakfast, fellowship and talk about what God is doing in their lives. This group meets Thursday mornings at 7:00am in the Blue Room in the Family Building.
Leader(s): Bob Semm: 912.690.3213 or email: [email protected] or Facebook: Bob